band saw
A band saw is a great addition to any home workshop.
Woodworking is a great hobby and/or profession – it’s a great way to spend more time with your kids or nephews, every single person loves a bit of crafting every now and then.
You can use a band saw to achieve some beautiful shapes, whether we’re talking about simple boxes or any other type of woodcraft.
Others might use these machines for metal cutting – the smaller bandsaws are intended to be used only in woodworking but there are quite a few, more powerful machines, that equipped with powerful blades can easily cut through aluminium or any other harder metal.
In our band saw reviews we’ll analyse some of the best band saws the UK market currently has to offer, starting with the hobby, entry-level ones and going all the way to high-end, professional models. We’ll compare them in terms of features, price and usability. Stay tuned for more!